I had no intention of putting the first Reeve Oliver record up on streaming…but after we lost O this year, it seemed important to me to make available anything he was creatively apart of. His thumbprint is all over the album: Beyond designing the artwork, he brought in an incredible collection of guitars and amps to use. I was a 23 year old baby schnooks holed up by myself for a month cutting the guitars and vocals and he would drive up and encourage me or just make me laugh. One day he brought up this little Casio keyboard and we came up with what was going to be the “secret track”, that is just 10 minutes of the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard followed by a “skit” that’s somehow dumber. Our label, management, and mixing engineer hated it and asked us to leave it off, and we obliged. But thanks to the fact that there’s no one around to tell me what to do anymore, it’s finally available at the end of Sizzle Digitz as God originally intended, and worth at least one listen. Even if to hear O at the end of it.
I also uploaded the three extra tracks we recorded for Touchtone that didn’t go on our version of it, but were released in Japan. Those are worth listening to hear what a master Neal Avron is. I still feel incredibly blessed to have been able to make a record with him.
Finally, I want to let it be known that 100% of the money made from any Reeve streams going forward will go to Rock and Roll Camp for Girls San Diego.
Click here to listen to these songs on the streaming platform of your choice. Thanks!